A union between a yoga teacher turned enthusiast cook and a celebrated chef turned yogi and their mutual search for a slower, balanced life evolved into our signature retreat experience to some of the least traveled parts of the world with one desire: to live fully and consciously.


Our retreats will help you shift your pace of life and connect to your environment with newfound presence and purpose.

We give you a sampling of a yogi’s life and the benefits behind carving out space amidst your physical surroundings to bring about potent internal change. 

Step away from your everyday life and show up with intention as we merge slow living with slow cooking. Does this sound like something you’re craving? We will embark on learning how to feed ourselves holistically — mind and body — well beyond the retreat for lasting impact. Immersing yourself in a new environment is the best opportunity to find the answers you are looking for, even when you may not know the questions.